

Charles Darwin University

is the Northern Territory’s university, headquartered in Darwin, with more than 23,000 students enrolled. Its research income exceeds $60m and it collaborates with more than half of the international universities in the Times Higher Education Top 100.

Danila Dilba Health Service

is an Aboriginal community-controlled organisation providing comprehensive primary health care and community services to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in the Greater Darwin region. DDHS is Darwin’s only Aboriginal community-controlled health service, and its services reach almost 80% of the region’s Indigenous population.

Menzies School of Health Research

is headquartered in Darwin and is one of Australia’s leading medical research institutes. For more than 34 years, Menzies has been dedicated to improving the health and wellbeing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians, and is a global leader in research into tropical life-threatening illnesses.

Top End Health Services

is responsible for running all NT government operated health services in the Top End of the Northern Territory, including four hospitals (including the Royal Darwin Hospital), two urban and 27 remote community primary health care centres. Royal Darwin Hospital is the Northern Territory's largest tertiary referral and university teaching hospital, providing a comprehensive range of acute and tertiary hospital services across the Territory­.


Miwatj Health Aboriginal Corporation

is an Aboriginal community-controlled organisation. Its administrative base is located in the Northern Territory town of Nhulunbuy, around 1,000kms east of Darwin. Miwatj has clinics in Nhulunbuy, Gunyangara, Galiwin’ku, Yirrkala and Yurrwi, and its outreach teams provide regular visiting services to a number of nearby communities, including Birritjimi, Galupa,  and Garrathiya Plains.

National Critical Care and Trauma Response Centre

is a global leader in sudden onset health emergency preparedness and response. Their mission is to lead Australia’s health emergency response by building capacity and capability through partnerships, education and training, and research. It also aims to establish new clinical standards that drive excellence in trauma and critical care, locally, nationally and internationally.

The Northern Territory Department of Health

is responsible for strategic leadership and funding; system-wide policy development and planning; and system governance, performance and accountability.

Northern Territory Primary Health Network

is tasked with coordinating primary health care delivery and tackling local health care needs and service gaps. The NT PHN is dedicated to ensuring that Territorians enjoy their best health and wellbeing through the building of local partnerships and directing resources for an integrated and high-quality primary health care system. 


Affiliate members

The following affiliate members are connected with Top End Partners and work collaboratively to accelerate and broaden the uptake of research into health care and education. They also assist in shaping the research agenda as well as being involved in activities to optimise research translation:

·       Fiji National University
·       Healthscope (represented by the Darwin Private Hospital)
·       Infectious Diseases Society, Kota Kinabalu Sabah, Malaysia
·       Papuan Health and Community Development Foundation, Indonesia.